
How to succeed with AI in your product – customer first

AI is the most disruptive technical advancement of the current decade. Understandably, many organizations are looking to harness the power of AI — or more specifically, to determine how they can embed AI within their products. Because transformative technology advancements like AI don’t come around often, many organizations don’t have experience applying these transformative technologies Read More


Crossing the Chasm model

Crossing the Chasm is a classic book by Geoffrey Moore on software strategy. It describes how new technologies are established and how they scale to mass market adoption and eventually to obsolescence. The model is a useful guide to understand the path that AI will follow as AI itself, the market for AI products, evolves Read More


When to use a heavyweight team

In The Innovators Solution, Christensen and Raynor propose a method to define what organizations can and cannot accomplish – the RPV Framework. The RPV framework is composed of Resources, Processes, and Values. Christensen and Raynor propose a decision-making model to help managers of New Growth Businesses assess the correct organizational structure and home for the Read More


Start with the market

Why Market? Some Lean practitioners have abandoned planning altogether – citing, research and planning is a form of waste and doing is better than planning. In many cases doing is better than planning; however, in this case, planning is better than doing. Before you take the leap of launching a new business or product, your Read More


Three sets of questions to determine whether an idea has disruptive potential

Executives must answer three sets of questions to determine whether an idea has disruptive potential. The first set explores whether the idea can become a new-market disruption. For this to happen, answers to at least one and generally both of two questions must be positive: Is there a large population of people who historically have Read More


If You Build it Will They Come Book Summary

Three Steps to Validate any Market Opportunity If You Build It Will They Come is, in some ways, a precursor to Lean Startup. In the book, Rob Adams lays-out a simple process for launching a new business/product. Adams simplifies the process with three easy-to-remember phases: ready, aim, fire. The following lists the three separate checklists Read More


Running Lean Process

The “Running Lean” process, created by Ash Maurya, is a systematic process for quickly vetting product ideas and raising the odds of success. Ash outlines the process as follows: Process Flow Step 1: Problem / Solution Fit Summary The first step is determining if this product is something worth doing. You do this by decoupling Read More